Cookie Policy

Cookies are small text files stored on your computer’s hard drive by your web browser when you visit any website. They enable information collected on one webpage to personalize your experience and provide the website owner with insights on website usage for improvements.

Use of Information

Cookies: Cookies are utilized to store information gathered from one webpage for use on another, enhancing your website experience and aiding website owners in improving the site’s performance. Some cookies have defined lifespans, while others endure indefinitely. Your web browser typically allows you to delete or limit their use.

Our website utilizes cookies deployed by our server software and third-party services. Upon your first visit, we seek your consent for cookie usage. Refusal will restrict their use during your visit, except to acknowledge your non-consent.

Personal Identifiers: Requests by your browser for our website’s content are logged, including your geographic location, internet service provider, and IP address, among others. This data, when combined with previous visits, may potentially identify you personally.

Re-marketing: We may use cookies for re-marketing purposes, placing ads for our products/services on other websites you visit.

Third-party Data: While we don’t disclose personal information to third parties, we may receive indirectly derived data from services we use.

Credit Reference: To combat fraud, we share information with credit reference agencies concerning clients who dispute payments without valid reasons.

Data Processing: Data collected may be processed outside the European Union, with appropriate safeguards in place.

Control over Your Information

Duty to Inform: Keep us informed of any changes to your personal data.

Access: You can review or update your personal information by signing into your account or contacting us.

Removal: To remove personally identifiable information, contact us, understanding that it may limit our service.

Verification: Before acting on requests to access, edit, or delete personal information, we’ll verify your identity.

For any queries or clarifications regarding this policy, please contact us.